NoSQL Realtime Databases

Bazaar realtime databases are document-orientated, with no need to create or enforce schemas. Database collections are lazily created, enabling you to get your apps up and running quicker.

Simple SDK

Create a document:

const tasksCollection = bzr.collection("tasks");
const id = await tasksCollection.insert({ id: 1, name: "Do laundry" });

Read a document:

const tasksCollection = bzr.collection("tasks");
const task = await tasksCollection.getOne(1);

Read the Realtime Database docs.

Database-per-user Architecture

Bazaar employs a database architecture where each user is assigned an individual database for your app through their Bazaar account. This approach allows users manage their authorized apps, and handle their app-specific data including viewing, exporting, or deleting, through their Bazaar dashboard, thereby supporting better data privacy and ownership practices.

Screenshot of the Bazaar admin dashboard for users

The per-user-per-app database model provides simplified access management. It eliminates the need for configuring access policies, as users have automatic access to their databases.

Granting access to an another user’s data can be done conveniently with the Sharing API.