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How to Build a Vanilla JS Todo App with Bazaar

In this tutorial, you will build a simple Todo application using vanilla JavaScript and Bazaar. This guide will walk you through setting up the project, integrating Bazaar for backend services, and deploying your application to Netlify. By the end of this tutorial, you will have a fully functional Todo app with features to add, display, mark as complete, and delete tasks.


To complete this tutorial, you will need:

  • A basic understanding of JavaScript.
  • Node.js installed on your machine.
  • Git installed on your machine.
  • A GitHub account for code repository hosting.
  • (Optional) A Netlify account for deploying your app.

Step 1 — Setup a New Project

In this step, you will create the files and folders needed for your app and add some starting boilerplate.

Create a folder for your project named bazaar-vanilla-js-todo.

Create the folders css and js in your new project folder. Then, create the files index.html, css/style.css, and js/app.js. Your file structure will look like this:

  • Directorycss
    • style.css
  • Directoryjs
    • app.js
  • index.html

Next, add the starting content to each of these files:

  1. First, add the starting HTML to index.html:

    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8" />
    <title>To Do</title>
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1" />
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/style.css" />
    <div class="container">
    <h1>To Do</h1>
    <!-- Todo markup will be added here -->
    <script src="js/app.js"></script>

    This HTML provides the basic structure for a web page, linking to css/style.css for styling and js/app.js for functionality. The main content area is enclosed in a div with the class container. Next, you’ll enhance it with some minimal CSS.

  2. Add the following styles to css/style.css:

    body {
    font-family: sans-serif;
    .logged-out #logout-button,
    .logged-out .main {
    display: none;
    .container {
    margin: 0 auto;
    max-width: 600px;
    padding: 3em 0;
    .card {
    background-color: #eee;
    padding: 1rem;
    #todo-form {
    margin: 2rem 0;
    #todos {
    display: flex;
    flex-direction: column;
    gap: 1rem;
    .todo-text {
    margin-bottom: 1rem;
    .completed .todo-text {
    text-decoration: line-through;
  3. Finally, add the following to app.js:

    document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", async () => {
    // Todo logic will be implemented here

    JavaScript is added within a function that runs when the DOMContentLoaded event occurs. This prevents global variable leakage and ensures the code runs after the DOM has fully loaded, allowing safe manipulation of HTML elements.

Your project is set up. Next, you’ll run a local HTTP server to view it in the browser.

Step 2 — Running a local HTTP Server

In this step, you’ll run a local HTTP server to view your app. While you could open the index.html file directly in your browser, serving your app locally provides a real URL necessary for integrating Bazaar’s backend services.

Open up your terminal and ensure your project folder is the current working directory. Then, Run the following command:

Terminal window
npx http-server

That command will install (if necessary) and execute http-server, a simple HTTP server. It will serve on by default. Check your app in the browser to see the text Todo.

Step 3 — Running the Mock Server

In this step, you will use the Bazaar mock server to develop your app locally. The mock server simulates the Bazaar backend, allowing you to test and build your application in a local environment.

In a new terminal window, run the following command to start the mock server:

Terminal window
npx @bzr/bazaar-mock -u http://localhost:8080/

This command assumes http-server server is running on the default port, 8080. Update accordingly if you’re running on a different port.

Install the @bzr/bazaar-mock NPM package if prompted.

You should see output similar to this:

Terminal window
Running mock Bazaar server at: http://localhost:3377
App ID is test
App URL is http://localhost:8080/
Redirect URIs are http://localhost:8080/
Use any email to sign up / log in. Code is always 1234

Now that the mock server is running, you’ll initialize a Bazaar client.

Step 4 — Initializing a Bazaar Client

In this step, you will install and initialize the Bazaar client to manage backend services for your Todo app.

You can use Bazaar directly from a CDN via a script tag. Add the script tag before the app.js tag in index.html:

<script src=""></script>
<script src="js/app.js"></script>

Here you are using unpkg, but you can also use any CDN that serves NPM packages, for example jsdelivr or cdnjs.

Next, initialize the Bazaar client in app.js:

document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", async () => {
// Todo logic will be implemented here
const bzr = new BazaarApp({
appId: "test",
loginRedirectUri: window.location.href,
bazaarUri: "http://localhost:3377",
onApiConnectError: (bzr) => bzr.logOut(),
// Test the client initialization by checking the logged in status
console.log("is logged in:", bzr.isLoggedIn());

In this code, you set the following BazaarApp options for local development:

  • appId: Uses test, the Bazaar mock server default.
  • loginRedirectUri: Uses window.location.href as the default, e.g. http://localhost:8080/.
  • bazaarUri: Uses http://localhost:3377, the Bazaar mock server URL.
  • onApiConnectError: If a connection error occurs, logs out the user.

Open the app in your browser and check the developer console. You’ll see the following:

Developer Console
is logged in: false

With the Bazaar client initialized you can now add authentication to your app.

Step 5 — Adding User Authentication

In this step, you’ll add user authentication to your app using Bazaar’s OAuth2-based authentication system.

First, add log in and log out buttons to your template:

<div class="container">
<!-- Todo markup will be added here -->
<button id="login-button">Log in or create account</button>
<button id="logout-button">Log out</button>

And add the corresponding click event listeners in app.js:

const bzr = new BazaarApp({...});
// Test the client initialization by checking the logged in status
console.log("is logged in:", bzr.isLoggedIn());
const loginButton = document.querySelector("#login-button");
loginButton.addEventListener("click", () => bzr.login());
const logoutButton = document.querySelector("#logout-button");
logoutButton.addEventListener("click", () => bzr.logOut());

When a user clicks the log in button, a pop-up window opens, prompting them to create a Bazaar account or log in if they already have one. Once the account is created, the user is prompted to authorize your Todo app.

Create a test account by entering any email address, using the code 1234 and choosing any handle and name. Then, authorize the app. The pop-up will close. Refresh the page, and in your developer console you’ll see the following:

Developer Console
is logged in: true

Next, refactor the code so the login status updates immediately after a successful login, not just on page load.

const bzr = new BazaarApp({...});
// Test the client initialization by checking the logged in status
console.log("is logged in:", bzr.isLoggedIn());
const loginButton = document.querySelector("#login-button");
loginButton.addEventListener("click", () => bzr.login());
const logoutButton = document.querySelector("#logout-button");
logoutButton.addEventListener("click", () => bzr.logOut());
// Perform login actions immediately after login
// Perform login actions if logged in on page load
if (bzr.isLoggedIn()) {
async function doLoginActions() {
console.log("is logged in:", bzr.isLoggedIn());

Log out and log back in, and you’ll see is logged in: true in your console after the pop-up closes without needing a page refresh.

You have now added user authentication to your app. Next, you will conditionally display content based on the user’s login status.

Step 6 — Displaying Logged-in Content

In this step, you will conditionally display content based on the user’s login status.

First, make the following changes in index.html:

<body class="logged-out">
<div class="container">
<h1>To Do</h1>
<button id="login-button">Log in or create account</button>
<button id="logout-button">Log out</button>
<main class="main">
<div>Main content will go here.</div>
<!-- Add todo form will go here -->
<!-- Todos will be displayed here -->

In these changes, you add a logged-out class to the body tag and a main tag, where logged-in content will be displayed.

In style.css, notice the log out button and main element (the logged-in content) are hidden when the logged-out class is present:

.logged-out #logout-button,
.logged-out .main {
display: none;

Next, update the doLoginActions function to display content in app.js conditionally:

async function doLoginActions() {
console.log("is logged in:", bzr.isLoggedIn());

Now, on log in, the logged-out class is removed from the body element, displaying the log out button and the main element. The log in button is also removed from the DOM as it’s unnecessary once a user has logged in.

The app now displays the appropriate content based on the user’s login status.

Next, you’ll add the functionality to create todos.

Step 7 — Adding a Todo

In this step, you’ll implement the feature to create todos.

In index.html, add a form to create a todo.

<main class="main">
<div>Main content will go here.</div>
<!-- Add todo form will go here -->
<form id="todo-form" action="">
placeholder="Write a to do..."
<!-- Todos will be displayed here -->

These changes add a form with a single input field for the todo text. Notice that the form has no action, you’ll add a submit event listener in JavaScript next.

Update the doLoginActions function to add the submit event listener:

async function doLoginActions() {
const todosCollection = bzr.collection("todos");
const todoForm = document.querySelector("#todo-form");
todoForm.addEventListener("submit", async (event) => {
const todoTextInput = document.querySelector("#todo-text-input");
const unpersistedTodo = {
text: todoTextInput.value,
completed: false,
const id = await todosCollection.insertOne(unpersistedTodo);
const todo = { id, ...unpersistedTodo};
todoTextInput.value = "";

The bzr.collection method creates an object to interact with a database collection. Learn more in the collections docs.

The submit handler takes the input value and creates a doc in the todos collection.

Back in your browser, submit the form to create a todo. In your developer console, you’ll see the todo with the generated ID returned from the database.

You have now implemented the functionality to add new todos, but they still need to be displayed. In the next step, you will display these todos in your app.

Step 8 — Displaying Todos

In this step, you will fetch and display todos from the collection.

First, add an element to hold the todos in index.html:

<main class="main">
<form id="todo-form" action="">...</form>
<!-- Todos will be displayed here -->
<div id="todos"></div>

Next, update the doLoginActions function to fetch todos and insert them into the DOM:

async function doLoginActions() {
todoForm.addEventListener("submit", (event) => {...});
* A todo
* @typedef {Object} Todo
* @property {string} id
* @property {string} text
* @property {boolean} completed
* Insert a todo into the DOM
* @param {Todo} todo
function insertTodoInDOM(todo) {
// Do not add the todo if it already exists
if (document.getElementById( return;
const todosElement = document.querySelector("#todos");
<div id="${escapeHtml(}" class="card">
<div class="todo-text">${escapeHtml(todo.text)}</div>
* Escape HTML to prevent XSS attacks
* @param {string} string - The string to escape.
* @returns {string} - The escaped string.
function escapeHtml(string) {
const div = document.createElement("div");
return div.innerHTML;
todosCollection.getAll().then((docs) => {
for (doc of docs) {

The insertTodoInDOM function first makes sure an element with a todo ID doesn’t already exist. Next, it gets a reference to the <div id="todos"></div> element you just added in index.html and inserts the todo HTML as the first child of the todos element, ensuring the most recent todos are added to the top of the list.

Finally, you need to add a todo to the DOM when it gets added to the database. Update the submit event listenter:

todoForm.addEventListener("submit", (event) => {
todoTextInput.value = "";

You have now successfully displayed the todos fetched from the collection. In the next step, you will add realtime syncing to keep the todos updated across different devices.

Step 9 — Adding Realtime Syncing

In this step, you will enable realtime updates for your todos so that changes are reflected instantly across different devices.

Replace the todosCollection.getAll call with todosCollection.subscribeAll:

todosCollection.getAll().then((docs) => {
for (doc of docs) {
onInitial: (doc) => {
onAdd: (doc) => {

In this code, todosCollection.subscribeAll subscribes to all changes in the todos collection. You pass a subscribe listener as the second subscribeAll argument with functions to handle onInitial and onAdd events. In both cases, you insert a todo into the DOM, exactly as you did in todosCollection.getAll.

You can think of onInitial as syntactic sugar for todosCollection.getAll. It fetches all docs from the collection, then calls your onInitial function for each doc.

With the onAdd handler in place, there’s no need to add a todo to the DOM when the form is submitted. Update the submit event listener:

todoForm.addEventListener("submit", (event) => {
const todo = { id, ...unpersistedTodo };
todoTextInput.value = "";

Learn about subscribe listeners.

To test the realtime updates, open your app in a private window while keeping the original window open. When you make changes in one window, they will appear in the other in realtime.

Realtime syncing is enabled, but it only handles add todo events. In the next step, you will implement the functionality to toggle the completion status of todos and update your subscribe listener with an onChange handler.

Step 10 — Toggling Todo Completion

In this step, you’ll implement functionality to toggle the completion status of todos.

First, update the todo template and add an update event listener:

function insertTodoInDOM(todo) {
<div id="${escapeHtml(}" class="card ${
todo.completed && "completed"
<div class="todo-text">${escapeHtml(todo.text)}</div>
<button class="update-todo-button">Toggle Completion</button>
const todoElement = document.getElementById(;
// Add update button event listener
const updateButton = todoElement.querySelector(".update-todo-button");
updateButton.addEventListener("click", () => {
todosCollection.updateOne(, {
completed: !todoElement.classList.contains("completed"),

In these changes, you add a completed class to a todo when it’s complete. The completed styles are already in style.css.

Then, you add a button and event listener for toggling todo completion. To determine if a todo is completed, you check for the presence of the completed class. If it is present, set the todo completed value to false, otherwise, set it to true.

Finally, modify the subscribe listener to handle change events.

onInitial: (doc) => {...},
onAdd: (doc) => {...},
onChange: (oldDoc, newDoc) => {
const todoElement = document.getElementById(;
if (!todoElement) return;
todoElement.classList.toggle("completed", newDoc.completed);

The onChange handler forces the presence of the completed class to the completed value of the changed doc by passing the value as the second argument of todoElement.classList.toggle.

You can now mark todos as completed or incomplete. In the next step, you will add the functionality to delete todos.

Step 11 — Deleting a Todo

In this step, you will implement the functionality to delete todos.

First, update the todo template and add a click event listener:

function insertTodoInDOM(todo) {
<div id="${escapeHtml(}" class="card ${
todo.completed && "completed"
<div class="todo-text">${escapeHtml(todo.text)}</div>
<button class="update-todo-button">Toggle Completion</button>
<button class="delete-todo-button">Delete</button>
const todoElement = document.getElementById(;
// Add update button event listener
// Add delete button event listener
const deleteButton = todoElement.querySelector(".delete-todo-button");
deleteButton.addEventListener("click", () => {
if (!window.confirm("Delete todo forever?")) return;

With these changes, you add a button and event listener for deleting a todo. window.confirm prompts the user confirmation before deleting.

Next, add a delete event handler to your subscribe listener:

onInitial: (doc) => {...},
onAdd: (doc) => {...},
onChange: (oldDoc, newDoc) => {...},
onDelete: (doc) => {

The delete handler removes the todo with the corresponding ID from the DOM. The optional chaining operator (?) checks for the element’s presence before deleting it.

Show the Completed app.js File
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", async () => {
const bzr = new BazaarApp({
appId: "test",
loginRedirectUri: window.location.href,
bazaarUri: "http://localhost:3377",
onApiConnectError: (bzr) => bzr.logOut(),
const loginButton = document.querySelector("#login-button");
loginButton.addEventListener("click", () => bzr.login());
const logoutButton = document.querySelector("#logout-button");
logoutButton.addEventListener("click", () => bzr.logOut());
// Perform login actions immediately after login
// Perform login actions if logged in on page load
if (bzr.isLoggedIn()) {
async function doLoginActions() {
const todosCollection = bzr.collection("todos");
const todoForm = document.querySelector("#todo-form");
todoForm.addEventListener("submit", async (event) => {
const todoTextInput = document.querySelector("#todo-text-input");
const unpersistedTodo = {
text: todoTextInput.value,
completed: false,
const id = await todosCollection.insertOne(unpersistedTodo);
todoTextInput.value = "";
* A todo
* @typedef {Object} Todo
* @property {string} id
* @property {string} text
* @property {boolean} completed
* Insert a todo into the DOM
* @param {Todo} todo
function insertTodoInDOM(todo) {
// Do not add the todo if it already exists
if (document.getElementById( return;
const todosElement = document.querySelector("#todos");
<div id="${escapeHtml(}" class="card ${
todo.completed && "completed"
<div class="todo-text">${escapeHtml(todo.text)}</div>
<button class="update-todo-button">Toggle Completion</button>
<button class="delete-todo-button">Delete</button>
const todoElement = document.getElementById(;
// Add update button event listener
const updateButton = todoElement.querySelector(".update-todo-button");
updateButton.addEventListener("click", () => {
todosCollection.updateOne(, {
completed: !todoElement.classList.contains("completed"),
// Add delete button event listener
const deleteButton = todoElement.querySelector(".delete-todo-button");
deleteButton.addEventListener("click", () => {
if (!window.confirm("Delete todo forever?")) return;
* Escape HTML to prevent XSS attacks
* @param {string} string - The string to escape.
* @returns {string} - The escaped string.
function escapeHtml(string) {
const div = document.createElement("div");
return div.innerHTML;
onInitial: (doc) => {
onAdd: (doc) => {
onChange: (oldDoc, newDoc) => {
const todoElement = document.getElementById(;
if (!todoElement) return;
todoElement.classList.toggle("completed", newDoc.completed);
onDelete: (doc) => {
Show the Completed index.html File
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8" />
<title>To Do</title>
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/style.css" />
<body class="logged-out">
<div class="container">
<h1>To Do</h1>
<button id="login-button">Log in or create account</button>
<button id="logout-button">Log out</button>
<main class="main">
<form id="todo-form" action="">
placeholder="Write a to do..."
<div id="todos"></div>
<script src=""></script>
<script src="js/app.js"></script>

With that, your todo app is complete and ready to deploy.

Step 12 — Deploying to Netlify

In this step, you will deploy your Todo app to Netlify. You can deploy a Bazaar-powered app anywhere static sites can be hosted. Netlify provides a frictionless deployment process and free static site hosting for public GitHub repos.

  1. To start, initialize a Git repository and push your code to GitHub:

    Terminal window
    git init
    git add .
    git commit -m "Initial commit: Vanilla JS todo app"

    Go to GitHub and create a public repo named bazaar-vanilla-js-todo.

    Terminal window
    git remote add origin<your-username>/bazaar-vanilla-js-todo.git
    git branch -M main
    git push -u origin main
  2. Next, deploy the Netlify to get your App URL

    Go to Netlify, create an account if necessary, and click Add new site. Select Import an existing project and choose GitHub. Select your repository bazaar-vanilla-js-todo. If you can’t find your repo, click Configure the Netlify app on GitHub to grant access.

    Configure the site settings and build settings as follows:

    • Site name: e.g. bazaar-vanilla-js-todo
    • Branch to deploy: e.g. main

    Leave the other fields blank. Note down your Netlify URL, which is found under the Site name field. Then, click Deploy.

    The process will take a few minutes, after which your todo app will be deployed. However, the Bazaar config still needs to be updated. You deploy the app before updating the configuration because the app URL is required.

  3. Register a Bazaar App

    You need a Bazaar app ID to configure your Bazaar client for production.

    Open and create a free account. Click on the user icon at the top right, then click Developers. Next, click Create App. Give your app a name. I’m using Vanilla JS Todo. Set your APP URL, which should be the same as your app’s Netlify URL, e.g. Finally, click Create, then copy your app ID. It will look something like 01907291-d4e5-79d5-a312-ba20260c9b98.

  4. Update your Bazaar client config and Redeploy

    Finally, you can update your Bazaar client config. As you’re not using a build step, you can’t make use of environment variables, so you’ll hardcode production values:

    // Local config
    // const bzr = new BazaarApp({
    // appId: "test",
    // loginRedirectUri: window.location.href,
    // bazaarUri: "http://localhost:3377",
    // onApiConnectError: (bzr) => bzr.logOut(),
    // });
    // Production config
    const bzr = new BazaarApp({
    appId: "<your-bazaar-app-id>",
    loginRedirectUri: "<your-netlify-url>",
    onApiConnectError: (bzr) => bzr.logOut(),

    Make sure to replace the appId and loginRedirectUri values with your own. Notice bazaarUri is removed so it defaults to its production value.

    Commit your changes and push to re-deploy:

    Terminal window
    git add .
    git commit -m "Add production Bazaar config"
    git push

Pushing will trigger Netlify to deploy your site. In a few minutes, your todo app will be deployed!


In this tutorial, you built and deployed a Todo app using vanilla JavaScript and Bazaar. You set up a new project, integrated Bazaar for backend services, implemented user authentication, added and displayed todos, enabled realtime syncing, and deployed your app to Netlify.

Check the Bazaar documentation for more features and capabilities.