
Powerful Social Fabric

Bazaar is social from the ground up. It has a built-in notion of users and contacts which is akin to people you add to your address book. Contacts can then be connected, requiring both sides to acknowledged the status. Connected contacts can have extra permissions.

One social graph for all apps

Contacts and connected contacts can be queried by any app. This allows for meaningful features where you can share and interact with the people you care about. Since Bazaar apps only run in your Browser, your social information is not used for anything other then the apps functionality.

You are in control

Managing your contacts can only be done via the Bazaar dashboard. This means no Bazaar app can tamper with your social network.

A simple API

The social API is as simple as it gets.

// Get user info for a given handle
const user = await bzr.social.getUser({ handle: "somebody" });
// List all contacts
const contacts = await bzr.social.contacts.list();

All advanced social features like searching for users, adding or connecting a contact can only be done via a modal:

bzr.social.openModal((userId) => {
/**do something */
Screenshot of the Bazaar social modal with user search and contact management