Build With Ease, Run Cost-Free

Bring your apps to life with zero running-costs. Bazaar provides authentication, document-orientated databases with realtime capabilities, a powerful permissions API, and more.

Start Building

Privacy and Data Protection

Bazaar protects user privacy by separating user data from the actual app. This gives users total visibility and control over the data that was provided to any Bazaar app. This also helps app developers with regulatory requirements such as GDPR.

Truly Backendless

Setting up your Bazaar app is as simple as any Identity Provider. Traditional backendless solutions like Firebase and Supabase, require you to configure the backend's data access policy. In contrast, Bazaar's novel way of scoping data to a user makes any configuration obsolete.

Zero Running Costs

Bazaar revolutionizes app development with its zero running costs model, liberating creators from financial overheads. Ideal for hobby projects or scalable apps, it provides a cost-effective foundation for growth, from niche to widespread use.

Powerful Social Fabric

Bazaar has social features built-in and any app can use them to create more meaningful experiences.

NoSQL Realtime Databases

Bazaar's document-orientated per-user database architecture streamlines development and enhances data privacy, featuring an intuitive SDK for efficient realtime operations.

Simple Authentication

Bazaar makes user authentication as simple as can be with a minimal API and robust OAuth flow, ensuring secure authorization and efficient token management for improved security and developer experience.

Explore our Features →

Not your typical BaaS

Traditional BaaS

The developer is responsible for the whole app: frontend, compute, and database

Architecture diagram of a traditional Backend-as-a-service where the developer manages the database, compute, and frontend


The developer is only responsible for the frontend. Users have their own compute and database

Architecture diagram of the Bazaar Backend-as-a-service where the developer manages the frontend, and users get their own database and compute

With Bazaar, developers can create freely, without having to worry about running costs. That's because users pay for the resources they need, starting with a free plan, including compute and database resources, and can upgrade for larger capacity as needed.

Use with your Framework of Choice

Getting Started

// Initialize a client
import { BazaarApp } from "@bzr/bazaar";

const bzr = new BazaarApp({
  appId: "example-app-id",
  loginRedirectUri: "",

Log in or Sign up

Add authentication to your app using Bazaar as an OAuth2 provider.

// Log in or sign up a user

// Check if a user is logged in

// On user log in event...
bzr.onLogin(() => {
  // ...handle login

Realtime Databases

After logging in, each user gets immediate access to their own database, with realtime capabilities.

// Create a collection
const tasksCollection = bzr.collection("tasks");

// Insert a doc
const task = { name: "Make dream apps with Bazaar" };
tasksCollection.insertOne({ task });

// Fetch all docs
const allTasks = await tasksCollection.getAll();

// Subscribe to all collection change events
const unsubscribe = await tasksCollection.subscribeAll(filter, listener);

Simple and Powerful Permissions

Share resources by granting permissions explicitly or by creating sharing links.

// Create a permission
import { PermissionType } from "@bzr/bazaar";
const newPermission = {
  collectionName: "example-collection-name",
  userId: "example-user-id-to-grant-permission-to",
  types: [PermissionType.READ],
  filter: {
    id: "example-doc-id",
